make changes that
You want to make a difference and create real value in a changing world. I want to help you do it.
I will help you find courage, see new opportunities, and turn your bold ideas into action, so that you can do work or build a business in a more sustainable, meaningful way.
The Dilemma
is change a risk or an opportunity?
The recent years forced many of us to rethink the way we work, do business, connect with others or even the way we travel. We had to adopt new habits and learn to navigate in a rapidly changing work- and business environment, which made us crave security like never before.
On the other hand, many of us also realized that the old ways are not good enough anymore. We started to see what needs to be improved and dreamt up new, bold ideas on how to make things better.
But amidst all this uncertainty, making brave moves seems too much of a risk. We keep asking ourselves: “is this the right time to change the work or the business that wears us out, to do something more fulfilling? Or is it just too risky now?”

The Possibility
but what if?

new opportunities
embracing change can bring new opportunities, if you can notice them and have the courage to seize them

showing up
moving forward is a lesser risk, than sticking with the status quo

finding courage
playing it safe may eventually result in sliding backwards, while others will be moving forward

brave decisions
making brave decisions and taking action on your own terms will give you more control, than when it’s forced on you
"The best way to predict the future is to create it."
Peter Drucker
change can be easier.
The way
Be honest, how long have you been putting off finding work that makes you come alive, or building a business that actually makes a difference? How many times have you convinced yourself that your idea, which challenges the norm, might be too bold, too crazy? And how many people have told you that embarking on a journey like this is too risky?
Change, even when positive, can feel uncomfortable and risky! Our natural instinct is to avoid the unknown, often choosing comfort over change. But while major changes can be pretty overwhelming, they also come with countless opportunities – provided you’re willing to embrace them.
Nevertheless, with the right support, it can be easier than you think. By setting personalized goals and creating a good action plan, along with the right kind of self-care and self-compassion, the process can become significantly less stressful.
So, if you’re a rebel like me, a purpose-driven professional, or a committed business leader who wants to make a difference, big or small, I’m here to help!
happy clients.
The Work
Get ready to turn your bold ideas into action and start doing work or build a business in a more sustainable and meaningful way. During our work together, you’ll learn to replace doubt and uncertainty with courage so that you can show up for the meaningful projects you’ve been postponing.
Whether you already have an idea, or you don’t, but you do know that you want to make a difference with your work or your business and are not quite sure how to begin, then you have come to the right place. Let’s work together to figure out a plan that works best for you and your goals.
It’s time to add real value to a changing world in a human-centred, conscious way – in work, business, and tourism.
what would you like to change?
Partnering with Changemakers.
Teaming up with organizations which prioritize social impact and sustainability.

why work with me?
Because I’m no stranger to big changes, which often started as bold (crazy?) ideas. I’ve changed jobs, professions, and countries several times. With each change came new challenges and opportunities.
Hi, I’m Eva Tornallyay, coach, an organisational development team coach and business mentor. I’ve been a business owner and entrepreneur for more than 20 years. I was over 40 when I transitioned into a new profession and moved abroad for the fourth time at the age of 55. I have lived in Africa, London, Barcelona, Turkey and Austria.

As a coach, I support leaders to have the courage to pursue the causes that really matter to them. And as a business mentor, I support women to develop and scale their businesses in special programmes like the Academy of Women Entrepreneurs or the Visa She’s Next programme.
I am a cosmopolitan, passionate traveller and scuba diver, and only recommend things I have tried myself.
I know from personal experience how challenging it is to make big changes.
I also know what it’s like to be afraid of something and to do it anyway.
real stories.
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